9:00 - 10:00 AM - General Session

Pushing Back - Strategies for Responding when Plaintiffs Push the Envelope of the Judicial System

Broadening the definition of liability, more plaintiff-friendly decisions, larger compensatory and punitive verdicts, social justice movements - all are drivers of social inflation. Capitalizing on and compounding the effect, the plaintiff's bar and the medical field have turned the injured party into a wealth-generating tool. Explore the development and impact of these phenomena and learn how the defense bar can effectively respond.

Martin Block, Sr. Claim Account Manager, Arch Insurance            
Tracy Ellis, Senior Technical Claims Specialist, Argo Group    
Scott Glennon, Claims Specialist II - Professional Liability Claims, Everest
Christina Rieker,  Partner, Winget, Spadafora & Schwartzberg, LLP    
G. Jeffrey Vernis, Managing Partner, Vernis & Bowling