ClaimsAcademy brings together renowned experts in a variety of claims management specialties to offer professionals challenging curricula and unparalleled opportunities for creative learning and problem-solving through five intensive learning tracks: Casualty ClaimsConstructionCyberTransportationWorkers Compensation
ClaimsXchange is proud to announce our newest benefit for Claims Professional Members – the Insurance Claims Management Specialist (ICMS) designation! This professional designation signifies excellence and expertise in Claims Management and will be awarded to members who complete at least one ClaimsAcademy program. At ClaimsAcademy, students will complete a rigorous and challenging course of study designed and taught by renowned experts in a variety of claims management specialties. The ICMS designation represents ClaimsAcademy graduates’ mastery of cutting-edge subject matter and commitment to continuous improvement, setting a new standard for excellence for claims professionals. We look forward to establishing and growing the impact of this professional designation along with our members, and we thank you for your ongoing support. Here’s to reaching a new heights together! Registration FeesClaims Professionals - $549
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