11:15 - 12:15 PM - Breakout Session 2 Choose from one of the following sessions:
Arbitration for All
Strategies to Counteract Escalating and Complex Construction Defect Claims: Effective Approaches for Litigation, Negotiation, and Trial (Part 2)
Inflated Settlements and Bombshell Verdicts: How Defense can Level the Playing Field
Session Descriptions
Arbitration for All In this session, we will walk through a sample case based on a real-life example to discuss how a claim can be moved into arbitration and how claim handling must be different in arbitration.
Speakers: Ron Bush – Mediator/Arbitrator Phillip Raine - Knight Nicastro MacKay, Partner
Strategies to Counteract Escalating and Complex Construction Defect Claims: Effective Approaches for Litigation, Negotiation, and Trial (Part 2)
We will analyze the recent extreme escalation of construction defect claim amounts and review methods to counter that trend for purposes of litigation, settlement negotiations and trial. We'll examine some large commercial losses including BI exposure and how proper procedures and planning play a critical role in outcomes. You’ll leave with practical insights into managing construction claims effectively, with emphasis on investigations, contract language, liability, damages, liens, counterclaims, and ethical considerations.
Meliz Martin – Lydecker, Partner Rob Muller - RMC Group, Senior Building Consultant Steven Pace - Forensic Engineering Company, Vice President Matt Wayne - Copeland Stair Valz & Lovell, Partner
Inflated Settlements and Bombshell Verdicts: How Defense can Level the Playing Field
A lot has been done recently to educate our industry on the impact of the threat of excessive verdicts and social inflation pressures. But what can carriers, adjusters and defense counsel do to combat this? Identify the key contributors and drivers of inflated settlements and 5 key actions that carriers and counsel can take to immediately push back on the threats from the plaintiff bar. We'll also analyze catastrophic injury litigation cases across the country and discuss how to avoid runaway verdicts by focusing on preventable mistakes made by defense counsel and insurers.
Speakers: Mandy Kamykowski - Kamykowski & Taylor, P.C., Managing Partner Traci McGuire - Accident Fund Group/AmeriTrust Group, Managing Director, Property and Casualty Claims Paul Motz - Segal McCambridge, Shareholder Chris Turney - Turney Law Group, Managing Partner