8:45 - 9:45 AM - Breakout Session 1
Choose from one of the following sessions: 

Construction: Construction Defect 101 - Part 1
General Liability: Fighting Fraud: Detecting Dishonesty and Litigating Lies

Session Descriptions

Construction Defect 101 - Part 1

The nature of Construction Defect claims continues to evolve, and CD claims and litigation professionals must keep pace. We'll discuss challenges and strategies for navigating the newest developments in types of claims presented, theories of liability, duty to defend, retention of counsel, risk transfer, and understanding the impact of various policy exclusions and inadequate coverage.                            


Diana Gerstberger, VP of Casualty Claims, Arch Insurance
Danielle Waltz, Partner, Dinsmore & Shohl  


Fighting Fraud: Detecting Dishonesty and Litigating Lies

Hone your fraud-fighting skills by learning how to spot early clues that a claim is fraudulent. Explore specific and powerful pre-suit and post-suit strategies to cut through the web of deception and secure a winning result.

 Matthew Scarborough, Managing Partner, Scarborough Attorneys At Law
 Amy Lee, Attorney, Scarborough Attorneys At Law
 Kathleen Finkenor-Muldoon, Vice President, Seneca Insurance Company, Inc
 Cathy Gicker, Consultant, Retired