11:15 - 12:15 AM - Breakout Session 3 Choose from one of the following sessions:
AI: The Artificially Intelligent Eagle Has Landed: Embrace It TR: Let's Get up to Speed: Rapid Response Investigation
Session Descriptions
The Artificially Intelligent Eagle Has Landed: Embrace It
AI offers promises and pitfalls in countless disciplines, including the legal field and legal claims handling. Join us to discuss how the use of AI in different industries can lead to claims (such as on construction sites and in hiring practices) and how the courts have addressed AI so far. We will also review how law firms. have integrated AI into claims handling, and how to do so ethically and intelligently.
Scott Glennon – Everest, Claims Specialist II - Professional Liability Claims Zach Bradshaw - The Vertex Companies, LLC., VP Litigation Damages Christina Rieker - Winget Spadafora & Schwartzberg, LLP, Partner
Let's Get up to Speed: Rapid Response Investigation
This session will focus on the Rapid Response to Trucking Accidents and litigation. More and more drivers, companies, attorneys, and experts need to be prepared to gather evidence and protect their clients in order to resolve claims early and before key evidence or defenses may be lost. Join us to review best practices for handling a claim as it is materializing and commonly overlooked details that can make or break your defense.
Christopher Bates - Kahana Feld, Managing Partner Gracemarie Mende - Arch Insurance Group, Director of Auto Claims